Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

Movie Best Describes My Life

My name is Adi. Today I will tell you a little about movie that describle about my life. Before I write this, I always thinking about what story which is telling abut my life, but until now I haven't got the movie yet, as the result, I don't know what movie which is can describe my life, but I will tell you about the movie that I love. The movie is called "The Myth", this movie was made in Hongkong in 2005, I love this movie because the soundtrack that it puts in the movie, even though I hadn't watched it. As the time goes by, I got curious about the movie, and then I searched it in youtube and I downloaded it. The movie is about the pas of the Kingdom in China during the Qin Dinasty, I'm excited with the movie because the story is telling about the general who is willing to die to protect his soldiers. And it also telling about the leader who is willing to sacrifice, even he would be at stake for protect The King. I love it because I want to be the person I the real life. Moreover the general was great in martial art, respected by his soldiers, and be the person who is trusted by the King as his kingsguard, and the second, I love the movie because it's the Colossal movie. Colossal movie like war movies involving thousands of people to fight, and also tells job dynasty in ancient times immemorial. Maybe that's all I can tell from the story.

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